21 December 2010

Online Marketing

Online Marketing- Giving Exposure to Your Business

Online marketing is the hottest trend in the world of marketing. There are several diverse verticals which need to be worked out on individual basis for PPC, SEO, Email marketing, and display advertising.

Online Marketing: 

The success of business is highly reliant on the wide coverage of customer base. And it is through deft marketing skills that businesses tend to reach out to a wider section of customers. It is often seen that marketing strategies follow people. In the contemporary times, the customers are flocking Internet so the marketing strategies are also seeing a paradigm shift. You can see that more and more companies are focusing on Internet. Marketing your business using each and every source of Internet is called online marketing. 

Let us see various verticals of online marketing. 

Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns: 

This is highly targeted and effective way of marketing your business. It focuses on the exposure of your business once relevant keywords are inserted in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc. You need to pay on the basis of clicks through which the users are redirected to your site. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 

Unlike the PPC, in this case, you do not need to pay for the clicks. This helps your site to gain the frontal rankings in search engines. However, you need to know that it requires lots of systematized approach for giving your website the desired rankings. 

Email Marketing: 

This is also an effective source of providing exposure to your business. You can avail the list of valid and active emails through third-party providers. You can also capture the list of emails through your website and use these e-mail ids for staying in touch with the existing or prospective customers. 

Display Advertising:   

You can also advertise your business to other popular websites having heavy traffic. Doing it through creative formats like banners, videos, stretchable banners etc can produce effective results. 

Once you have employed these marketing strategies then you need to focus on your website too. It must be effective enough so that the conversion rate of leads or visitors is high. Remember, if you are strategizing your business for the online visitors then you are dealing with smart consumers with greater spending capacity, hence, you need to pay attention to minute details. 

The Best Marketing tool

Bulk SMS Marketing: Why is it the best marketing tool?

If you own a business or are trying to start a new one, then its marketing plan should be the number one priority for you.

No matter how big or small your marketing budget is, you can easily accommodate bulk SMS into it. There are a number of benefits for using bulk SMS for your business.

Let's see a few of them: 

1. Brand recognition: Each SMS carries your company’s name. It ensures that a large number of people not only read your brand name, but also know exactly what it does. 

2. Targeted approach: You can send the Bulk SMS to a specific age group, gender, demographic or residents of a particular location. This ensures that all of your targeted customers get your message. 

3. Fast delivery: You can send hundreds of customers within few seconds. This is extremely beneficial if you want to communicate something very urgent to your existing and/or perspective customer base, like a short-term sale or change in terms and conditions. 

4. Affordable: Bulk SMS are much more affordable than any other kind of marketing tool. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to send these messages. Since, it doesn’t require any special technical abilities to send these SMS; you don’t need to hire anyone to send them. 

5. Fast response: Bulk SMS can also be used as a fast response tool within your customer base. For e.g., you can ask for feedback on a subject or ask your clients to R.S.V.P for a function through bulk SMS.  

India Online Landscape 2010

India Online Landscape 2010 – Internet Usage Statistics for India

Juxt – A research company that conducts syndicated research and online research has just released the India Online Landscape Report 2010 which gives an insight into emerging trends among Internet Users in India.

Highlights of India Online Landscape Report 2010
Internet Usage and Penetration in India
51 mn ‘active’ internet users in India, 40 mn urban and 11 mn rural
Reaches 10% Indian households and 4.4% Indians
2/3rd households have ‘multiple’ users in them
97% are regular users and 79% use daily
High base of ‘daily users’ and increased base of ‘online buyers’ indicates growth in ‘depth’
1 in 4 access it on mobile phones, though most of them are ‘dual’ users (PC + Mobile)
Mobile Internet Usage in India
‘Dual’ users access internet on their mobiles habitually – 2 out of 3 access ‘daily’ and 1 in 3 uses it for more than an hour daily
Almost all ‘dual’ users have GPRS enabled phones and most have activated GPRS service on them
‘WAP enabled’ data services and ‘GPRS activated’ direct browsing are the most popular mode of mobile internet usage
‘Poor speed’ and ‘affordability’ are the biggest perceptual barriers in higher adoption of mobile internet usage among existing net users
Intenet Usage in India – Dynamics
Rural user base up at 20%
Growth relatively more in ‘South’, making it the most ‘net-savvy’ region
Growth relatively more in the ‘smaller’ urban areas’ (below 5 lakhs population) – they now account for half of all urban internet users
‘Home’ continues to be the largest ‘single’ place of access. ‘Home’ and ‘transit’ user base show increase
‘Connectivity’ problems are the biggest irritants, starting with ‘speed’ – half of all broadband users claim ‘below 256 kbps’ speeds
Internet User Profiles in India
Over half of internet users are ‘employed’, half of whom are ‘corporate employees’
2/3rd of those employed are ‘head’ of the household (rest 1 in 3 being the ‘other earning members ‘of ‘multi-income’ families)
‘25-35 years’ forms the ‘single’ largest age group among internet users
Their ‘average’ claimed monthly family income is ‘3 times’ the national average
At least 2 times higher ownership levels for the more ‘evolved’ modern day assets
Female user-ship ‘inching’ upwards, ‘housewives’ as a user base starts emerging
Internet Users in India – Lifestyle Profiling
Internet is the ‘dominant medium’ in 2/3rd internet users’ lives
Among offline media, they read ‘newspapers’ more, but are ‘heavier users’ of TV
Internet ‘surfing’ is the favorite ‘indoor entertainment’ for most of them, and they perceive it as a source of ‘learning’ and ‘entertainment’
‘Listening to music’, ‘cinema’ and ‘gaming’ are their biggest hobbies
‘Money’ is the biggest motivation driving their lives
They give highest importance to ‘functionality’, then to brand image
Online Shopping in India – Trends
Proportion of online ‘window’ shoppers fell significantly in the last year
However, this drop is due to significant decline in the ‘searchers only’ base, ‘online buyers’ base actually increased by 2.5 million (33% growth)
40% online shoppers ‘bought’ online (+18% points over last year) – indicates that mere ‘window shoppers’ are giving way to the ‘serious’ buying-intending shoppers
Net users make good ‘marketing audience’ – 3/4th of them have ‘responded’ to some kind of ‘marketing stimulus’ when online
Most popular Online Activity among Internet Users in India
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