18 January 2011

Startup Marketing Tips

Ten quick tips for starting a blog for your small Business:
A blog which is short for web log is a web page though which you post short regular updates.  It could be a personal blog to write about things that interest you or a professional journal for your business .When it comes to small businesses, a blog not only helps you to build a community but also helps in marketing your brand / business idea/ venture / you as the entrepreneur.

Ten tips to start and maintain an engaging blog for your small business
  • Keep it simple - Yes everyone loves something which explains any concept/idea/venture in simple and lucid form
  • The content should be relevant and useful - Don't give a hi fi sounding heading and the content is something different, please keep it to the point, everyone likes to know something which is relevant and to the point, if its useful content then you are guaranteed repeat reader.
  • Post often - Don't go off on a holiday after your one great post, its internet and people love fast and regular communication, otherwise you soon become outdated
  • Make it interactive - Two way communication always works, engage your reader otherwise he will not be interested in your story
  • Respond to comments and have a conversation through your blog - Please don't forget to respond to comments, reply however irrelevant the question might be, everyone deserves an answer
  • Use keywords relevant to your line of business - Keywords make your blog rank higher and give it more visibility, hunt for right keywords and do include it in your posts
  • Don’t sell too hard - Blogs are generally place for opinions and views, don't be into " me and my story" syndrome only
  • Don’t use technical jargon- brings back to the first point, keep it simple and refrain from using business jargons which an average reader won't quickly understand, you want to engage not just impress.
  • Stick to a schedule - Your readers after a certain point will expect a timely write up from you... fix a day of the week and stick to it
  • Use your blog to run promotions and contests - Nicely conceptualized contests always endears a reader, go for it in your blog.

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